This Saturday (Oct. 2nd) from 6pm-8pm Eastern, I’ll be participating in an online horror poetry panel at Fright Fest to celebrate the release of my new poetry collection Exposed Nerves as well as the recent release of Jezzy Wolfe’s Monstrum Poetica. Poets Donna Lynch, Cynthia Pelayo, John Edward Lawson and Stephanie M. Wytovich will also take part.
Registration for the event is free through EventBrite; please sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fright-fest-monstrum-poetica-a-horror-poetry-panel-discussion-tickets-165274379117
The panel will also be streamed live on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/963854597747591/
Fright Fest is hosted by the Hampton Public Library of Hampton, VA and is sponsored by the Horror Writers Association. Our poetry panel is part of the library’s month-long celebration of Halloween!
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